A Short Dictionary of Circumlocution Jul 11th, Day 23: Rapid City, SD to Wall, SD: 57 miles, 1,873 ft. ascent Today’s 57 mile ride was what the tour organisers call an ‘active recovery day’, and today we actually agreed with them. Not sure if that means we’re getting fitter or if it really was a very easy day. There was a certain amount of excitement when we rode through a bush fire that seemed to be getting out of control. Vegetation on both sides of the road was on fire and there was a lot of smoke and heat. Shortly after we went through we saw and heard several fire trucks converging on the scene. Today we are in Wall, and although the penultimate entry in the list below doesn’t actually count as circumlocution (it’s just outrageous marketing bullshit by Wall Drug), it did nonetheless prompt me to write up a few of the more interesting circumlocutions we’ve encountered. Adult Beverage: beer “It’s fabulous here today at the Quality Inn in Rapid City – my name’s Michelle and I’d be happy to assist you”: hello Exclusively Upright Bathing Facilities: shower (but no bath) One of the World’s most well-known tourist stops: mediocre shop in small town America Circumlocution: calling a spade a horticultural implement No pictures today, but I suggest you take a look at this 3D visualisation of our cycle through the Black Hills yesterday.